Providing innovative bulk tank storage tank and tank farm services since 1994
Our Services
Loading facilities: 6 berths for sea tankers DWT under 150,000 Tons 2 berth for bunker vessels DWT under 5,000 Tons 2 truck loading station up to 20,000 Tons/month
We can receive oil products: By rail Dark products – 565,000 Tons/Month* Light products – 440,000 Tons/Month* * – during the summer season
39 tanks, including: 22 tank for dark oil productions.(up to 6 grades) Total volume 267,000 M317 tanks for light oil products (up to 4 grades) total volume 90,000M3
About Us
Awa-royal tank farm terminals is a petroleum storage company registered in the Netherlands with international storage. Established in 1994. We have tanks in the available ports: Rotterdam, Houston, Fujairah, Jurong, and China; and are the owner and operator of tank farms in the port of Rotterdam. The facilities and operator of these Tank Farms and oil terminals located in the various ports. Our Connections for barges, ships, trains and trucks. Flexible operating hours and fast loading and unloading times. On-site customs agents, document processing, and laboratories. All our sites are set up to make loading, unloading, and storing your product a quick and hassle-free process.
the best thing in our core service
We have tanks in the available ports: Rotterdam, Houston, Fujairah, Jurong, and China.
We are leading in Petroleum Storage
We have been active in tank storage logistics, and is one of the largest independent operators of tank terminals for oils, chemicals and gases worldwide.
Opeerational Excellence
Standard deal services licensing and compliance to meet the needs of customers globally for the future, continually innovate to produce sustainable and responsible solutions for oil and gas production, refine and exploration

Why choose us
Our core purpose
We are honest, quick thinking & efficient this implies that our commitments can be trusted
As empowered entrepreneurs, our teams create world leading products and solutions.
By embracing change, We grow, learn and drive the business towards a secure future
To be business leaders through technical distinction and superior customer service globally.